Optimisation topologique (tutofreecad)

De FunLab Documentation
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from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbmbQ7sJchQ

outils utilisés: freecad blender huile de méninge

file->open->choose a closed mesh stl

select the part in tree objetcs view

passer en atelier part/pieces

piece->construction a partir d'un maillage/create shape from mesh

slect the new mesh in tree

do piece-> convertir en volume.

select the new mesh then swtich to fem workspace.

fem->new mechanical analisys

barre d'outil icon create fem mesh from shape glissez deposez lle dernier mesh creé sur le objet de l'analysque mecanique dans l'arbre des objet

icone create or edit the mechanical materials

select a material.

hide the first model imported in tree view

select the last.

icon create fem constrait for a fixed geometry geometry

click on one of the shapes faces to create a boundaryclick ok. do it again